I spent all stinking morning, looking for a pattern that would show me how to do this :
Image from VintageHomeArts.com |
I want to make a scarf, and and I want to try adding beads to my work, and I'm sure that once I get started, I'll find out that this was a terrible combination of ideas, but it looks amazing in my mind. Which explains a lot, if you know me. Anyway, so I spent all morning looking through google images, googling crochet stitches, searching youtube for instructional videos, bargaining with God that if He gave me a lead on how to work this technique that I would fold the 87 loads of laundry currently on hold in my laundry room, instead of making my husband sift through towels, rags, and baby shirts to find matching socks.
He heard my prayer. He answered me. My heart leapt for joy when I found a link on youtube to this video:
"Here it is!" I thought, "The answer I've been searching for!" And behold, I followed the star to youtube, and found the video, lying in the related videos sidebar. And after I handed over all of my gold, frankincense, and myrrh, I realized Something. A Bad Something. And can I tell you what a ginormous let-down it was when I realized that I do not know German? I mean, I can count up to, like, 67, and I can offer up a very passable "Good morning/afternoon/evening," and I can ask "What is that?" I can sing the fragments of Brahm's "Weigenlied" that I remember from my voice recital, But, alas! These are not useful phrases in crochet patterns. And all was lost. The End.
No, actually, given the fact that if I stopped searching for this pattern, I would have no excuse for not getting up and cleaning up the house. Or folding those 87 loads of laundry. So I kept looking. And then, in my darkest hour--success! I found this:
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from http://crochetguy.tripod.com/id11.html |
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