April 09, 2013

How'm I Doing?

I've been asked this more than a few times since baby was born. With my mom here, it's been the easiest week-after-baby ever. And then she left. Honestly, I am a little out of my depth right now. We stopped at the store today, and I had all four kids by myself, and I was trying to buy wipes so I could change my toddler's diaper (conveniently, the entire brand new case of wipes that I bought three days ago were sitting unopened at home, an hour away). We got to the checkout line, and my preschooler started doing The Dance (mom's of preschoolers now what I'm talking about).
"I have to go potty!" she said.
"You just went!" I said, slightly exasperated. Her bladder has terrible timing. "Hold it till we get through the line."
"I caaan't!" she wailed. I could tell she wasn't joking, either.
"Hold it," I said, sternly. Because that totally works. Yeah.
"I caaan't!"
"You have to!"
I looked at her again, and panicked. "You have to hold it," I said, again. In case she missed it the first time. I texted my husband a desperate message, "Need help! Register 19. NOW!"
He never got it.
We managed to get through the line without an accident, and I rushed the toddler and my six-year-old to the bathrooms. I was less than patient, I'm afraid.
I pulled the baby car seat out of the cart basket, grabbed the toddler's hand, shooed the other two in, ordered the preschooler to go potty.
The baby started wailing, and the six-year-old started a round of 20-questions with me.
I plopped the toddler on the changing table, got his pants off, and realized I'd left the wipes in the cart outside the door. I sent the six-year-old out to get them. Meanwhile, the preschooler finished pottying, but couldn't reach the soap to wash her hands.
"Mooooommmmy! I can't reach the sooooaaaaap!"
"Just WAIT!" I said.
The six-year-old brought the wipes, so I finished changing the toddler. I turned to help my preschooler reach the soap, and the toddler shoved an entire roll of paper towels into the sink. The sink with a motion sensor that never turns on when you're washing your hands. Turned on; doused the entire roll.
The baby was still wailing.
We finished, and left to wait for my husband to meet us.
It totally sucked.

So, yeah. That's how I'm doing right now. However, this isn't my first time around this block, so, while I feel tired and overwhelmed and still a little postpartum-weepy, I also know that we will, eventually, equalize. Baby will stop feeding around the clock, the toddler will start sleeping, and I will get the hang of  how this works. In that sense, I'm doing okay. NO matter how dismal things seem today, I know they will get better.
That, and my mom stocked my freezer with meals, so I won't have to cook for, like, two weeks. Booyah!

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