June 26, 2013

It's not just texting and driving that's dangerous...

I rue the day I started texting. Really. I should have never opened that Pandora's box, but, sadly, I did. So now, at least once a week, I get to experience the horror of having to explain to someone why they got a weird, and often cryptic, text from me. And it's never just something simple like, "hey, hubs, could u pick up some mlk while you're at the store?" Oh, no. It's usually much, much worse. 

Just tonight, I tried to send my husband a text because he was upstairs in his office putting in some catch-up hours for work. I needed him to take the dogs out because the sheltie was threatening to release the entirety of her 50-gallon bladder on my living room carpet, and I didn't want that. Unfortunately, the baby had just recently fallen asleep (finally!) in my arms, and I was afraid that if I got up to take canine faucet out, I would disturb her and we would have another screamfest on our hands. My hands, actually. So the dog was being annoying; and I was being crabby, so I sent this text to my husband: "Idiot may need to go out, and eg is finally asleep, but barely." I thought I sent that text to my husband. Actually, though, I sent it (in all of its not-very-gracious sarcasm) to a very nice lady from my church, who, I'm sure, was utterly appalled to see me texting the word idiot to her. And, really, telling her I meant to send that to my husband didn't do anything to make the text any nicer, so either way, I came off like a--well, like an idiot. She and her husband are supposed to come by for a visit on Friday--if she doesn't call and cancel, now. Which I would totally deserve. 

The pièce de résistance, though, happened a week or so after the baby was born. We were in town, and I needed to pick up some more sanitary pads because of the after-birth bleeding. Since my girlie-bits were feeling a little bit gnarly (and not in a good way) that afternoon, I sent my ever-accommodating husband in to fetch them. I told him I'd text him what I wanted, instead of trying to tell him and hoping he'd remember. So I texted him: "always ultra thin with wings. Overnight. There are three little pad shapes in a box somewhere on the front of the package. You want the one with the biggest pad shape filled in. Those are the overnights." 

A few minutes later, I got a text from my husband asking me what kind to get. And that's when I realized. I'd sent my pad description text to a guy from craigslist who I was meeting later  to possibly buy something from. Yeah, after that text he never showed up for the meet. Lucky for him, he now knows what kind of pads I wear, and how to identify them. 

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