November 14, 2012

Updates on That Which I Promised Not To Mention Any More

So we had that big, mid-term ultrasound yesterday, where they check baby all out, and you can see all of the bones and internal organs, and all of that fun stuff. Have you ever tried keeping three kids entertained while you peek at indiscernabletothem pictures of the baby in Mommy's tummy? Yeah, me neither. Candy works, though. I mean, I'm not all about giving my kids candy, but I've been known to do desperate things sometimes. So we settled them all in with candy, and checked out the baby's spine, brain stem, kidneys, fingers & toes, leg and arm bones, eye (sockets), umbilical cord, and, for daddy, gender.

So baby looks really good, which means I got to sit down with the doctor afterward and tell him, "thanks so much for the help; we'll take it from here." Which, he actually handled well. He told me that he was obligated by hospital policy to inform me that my decision to birth baby at home does not meet current standards of care ("But," he said, "You can obviously do whatevertheheck you want!"), which he documented, and then wished me luck in all of my future endeavors. And told me to get in touch if I needed anything else. So, overall, I have been fairly impressed with my interactions with this doctor. No hard-sell to birth at the hospital, or anything like that. I don't know if he just saw me as a hopeless cause (a woman walks into the office with three kids, two of whom have been born at home, you're not liable to get anywhere trying to convince her to go back to the horrors of hospital birth), or if he's just really a nice, easy-going doctor, but...I was actually mildly impressed. Which, you know, says a lot.

So baby is measuring a few days behind, but still well within normal range, which means that I may actually be pushing out a newborn instead of a full-sized toddler. Comforting news for my nether regions. My placenta is in a good position--toward the back, not near my previous c/s scar, not near the cervix, so that was very good news, too.

They tried to get one of those creepy 3-D ultrasounds of baby's face (am I the only one who totally gets weirded out by those?), but baby wouldn't move her hands away from face at all. Camera shy, apparently. Daddy got a peek at (her?) gender, but he's keeping it a secret because I don't want to know. Obviously, my use of the feminine pronoun will clue you in to my personal gender suspicion. But I could be totally wrong.

Our little addition: nicknamed Macadamia

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